Terms and Conditions

Information Accuracy

We do our best to ensure that the information displayed on the website is complete, accurate and up-to-date. Despite our efforts information on this site may occasionally be inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. All prices and specifications shown on the website are subject to change at any time and without notice. The actual colour that you see of our products will depend upon your computer system. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information and content provided on this website.

Terms of Sale

By placing an order with us you are offering to purchase a product and representing that you are of a legal age to form a binding contract and all the information that you provide to us in connection with such an order is true and accurate and that you are an authorised user of the payment method provided.

Prior to an acceptance of an order verification of information may be required. We reserve the right at any time after receipt of your order to accept, modify or cancel your order, or any portion thereof, even after your receipt of an order confirmation from us, for any reason whatsoever. We reserve the right to limit the number of items ordered and to refuse service to you without prior notification. In the event that an item lists an incorrect price, for any reason whatsoever, we shall have the right to refuse or cancel such an order placed for the incorrect price, regardless of whether the order is being or has been processed. If payment has already been made for the purchase and the order is cancelled, we will refund the amount of the incorrect price.

Payment Terms

We accept payment by those credit or debit cards listed in the shopping cart (basket). These may change from time to time.

Payment is made prior to the shipping of goods, however in the case of the goods being out of stock payment will not be taken until the goods are available. We may offer some goods as a “Pre-order” in which case we will make an immediate charge to your card so as to reserve the item for you prior to its launch.

For subscription products, payment will be taken prior to the shipment of the goods. It is your responsibility to advise us of any change to your payment method or delivery address (for example a change in expiry date to your card). You are under no obligation to continue a subscription and there is no minimum period of subscription; you are free to cancel or pause your subscription at anytime by contacting us, without any further commitment other than for products already shipped. A subscription is not a finance option and is sold to you on a “pay as you go” basis.

You may return goods unused and in a re-sellable condition with 14 days of receipt.

Payment will be in the currency advised in the shopping cart (basket).

Delivery and returns

Please see our separate policy on Delivery and Returns.

Intellectual Property

This website and all of its materials, including, but not limited to, its software or HTML code, scripts, text, artwork, photographs, images, video, and audio (collectively, “Materials”) are protected by copyright laws and other international laws and treaties and are property of Agora Models or its licensors. All Materials are provided through the Site as a service to its current and prospective visitors and may be used only for personal and informational purposes and only if you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the Materials. No right, title or interest in Agora Models Materials is conveyed to you. You may not copy, reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, post, modify, create derivative works from, sell, license or otherwise exploit the Site or any of its Materials without our prior written permission; you may not access or use the Site for any competitive or commercial purpose; nor may you permit any copying of our Materials. Any unauthorized copying, alteration, distribution, transmission, performance, display, or other use of these Materials is prohibited. Any and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by Agora Models, as applicable.

Agora Advantage Club

Membership of the Agora Advantage Club is an extra benefit offered at the sole discretion of Agora Models. Benefits maybe amended or changed at any time without any prior notice. Membership can be withdrawn at any time. Membership is valid for 12 month periods and will be automatically renewed at the sole discretion of Agora Models.

Agora Community and Forum

Please see our separate policy for use of our community and forum.

Agora Models is a trade name of Saloto Ltd. Contact details can be found on our Contact page.

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