
Welcome to my Channel. Welcome to my World. The World of Wayne. Come and join me as I build many scale models from great publishers like DeAgostini, Fanhome and Hachette Partworks. From a working DeLorean to the iconic R2-D2 and C-3PO. There is something for everyone here.

Our mission is to provide affordable fixes\ upgrades\ mods to the partwork build community.
We’ve found that some partwork builds need that little extra; a printed part, a decal, sound… a prop maybe… all of which help your final goal of having a screen-accurate\ authentic partwork build.

Hello! I’m Mike Lane. I create high-quality, hand-crafted mods and accessories for partwork and large-scale models from companies such as Agora, Eaglemoss, Hero Collector, DeAgostini and Hot Toys. I personally design, test and hand-make each piece, with painstaking research on every detail to ensure maximum accuracy and perfection in all my upgrades. My mission? To help make your model a supermodel.

Model Modz offers modifications for models of all types including those you see on our shop, we can tailor products to your individual needs. Everything you see in the shop is unique and personal, and if there is something you need, and we don’t have it, I’m sure we can help you.
We are currently building the Terminator, DeLorean, Ecto1, Knightrider KITT, Iron Man, USS Enterprise, Willys Jeep, Routemaster, Eleanor, and many more.
Hello from an obsessive modeller. I’ve been modelling almost before I could walk! I started building partworks in 2003 with the Build The Titanic series, and have never stopped. In addition to partworks, I’m also an avid builder of conventional boxed kits from the likes of Tamiya, Meng, Model Factory Hiro, etc. I own The Partwork Model Forum which caters for builders of all partworks and boxed kits and has some very helpful members.

Hi everyone I’ve been involved with build the classic Routemaster bus 1/12 scale ever since it was first published in January 2018 both me and my wife have built three of them and modified two of these fabulous buses by painting them into different livery’s for our own personal collection, I am a lifelong bus enthusiast a model bus collector and an ex vintage bus owner and an ex PSV driver, when I first heard about this lovely model which was about a year before production I just knew that I had to have one, wow this model certainly lived up to its name its level of detail it’s dominance over other available models its 1/12 scale and its beautifully painted panels and of course its name Routemaster it’s an icon of London and known worldwide, this model is second to none and would enhance anyone’s collection a real talking point an interesting model to build and once built it has the wow factor and is a perfect Lamont to the bus that lasted over 60 years on the road, I started a Facebook group for like-minded modellers and enthusiasts and it really is being like part of a family within the group there’s many members that have modified their Routemaster and many that are just happy with an out of the package build, there’s always lots of help available in the group and of course links to other connections via YouTube /Facebook groups and specialists who could help take your build to the next level and much more.

Welcome. Scale War Machines is a celebration of all things modelling and I specialise in military subjects and figures, along with occasional dioramas and product reviews. My special focus is on painting techniques and weathering and a few automotive subjects have featured on the You Tube channel. I hope you enjoy it.

Hello Model Builders How are you? My name is Alex, “AlexModeling” and this is my “little corner” of AGORA MODELS. I like to build, planes, armour, and ship models.
Model building for me is not only a hobby but also a passion.
Welcome to my little space, i hope you like it!
Thunderbird 2

Willkommen auf meinem YouTubekanal sowie auf meiner Facebookseite.
Ich möchte euch an meinem Hobby den Modellbau teilhaben lassen.
Es werden Schiffsmodellbau gezeigt sowie verschiedene Partworks.
Schaut doch mal vorbei , ich danke euch.
Gruß Mario

Willkommen auf meiner Seite…
Diese möchte ich nutzen, um euch meine verschiedenste Modellbau Aktivitäten zu Zeigen.
Es werden Hauptsächlich Modelle aus Sammelserien von diversen Herstellern wie
Hachette Deagostini AgoraModels Eaglemoss und weitere gezeigt.
Von Schiffen aus Holz bis zu den aktuellen Schraubmodellen wird alles dabei sein..
Euer Thorsten
Somos un Club de Coleccionistas, informamos sobre novedades de coleccionables de editorial y autos a escala.
Subimos reviews de libros,autos a escala 1/43 1/48 y 1/64. Además de realizamos tutoriales sobre armados de varios modelos a escala 1/8. Subimos contenido de: Salvat, Planeta Deagostini, Hot Wheels y Wizkids.

Hola, soy Jorge, te invito a mi canal, te invito a mi Pasatiempo para que armemos modelos a escala. Empecemos desde el 1 y no paremos hasta el resultado final. Aprendamos juntos a reírnos de nuestros errores y del pegamento en la piel.
Únete y ¡Vamos a darle!

Sul mio canale tratto principalmente modellismo statico, dinamico e tutto quello che ha a che fare col mondo nerd!
Spesso eseguo modifiche e customizzazioni sui miei modelli ed inoltre faccio unboxing, recensioni di prodotti elettronici, musicali e films. Insomma non mi annoio mai.

Scale Model Building, Reviews, Tools, Books and Kits. *** Scale Model Kit Review, the popular scale modeling channel dedicated to bringing you scale model kit reviews, plastic kits, resin kits, photo-etch details, book reviews, decals and historical videos.
I live in the United States and I’ve been building and collecting scale models for over 45 years, you can find some of my model builds on cybermodeler.com & here on this channel. I’m a member of IPMS USA. Our current sponsor is MMP Books, Eaglemoss, and Agora Models. Most of the model kit reviews are funded by me.

ModelChili Scale Models builds scale models of all shapes and sizes, with a main focus on science fiction and military models, based in Christchurch, New Zealand.

I run a family of large-scale partwork build up sites, including products from Agora, Eaglemoss, DeAgostini, and Hachette. These were created to share my experiences building these models. My parent site can be found at https://mypartworks.com

Bonjour à tous, je m’appelle Fabrice.
On me connaît sur Facebook (Fab Groupe) car j'ai été l'un des premiers à créer des groupes pour aider le maximum de personnes. Cela fait plusieurs années que je me passionne pour les maquettes.
J’aime l’idée de pouvoir aider les autres modélistes dans l’avancement de leur maquette et trouver des astuces pour les améliorer si besoin grace mon groupe Fab Groupe Modélisme.
Rejoignez-moi sur les groupes d’aide pour construire de nombreux modèles réduits de grands éditeurs tels que
Agora Models, DeAgostini, Altaya, Hachette, Alteys, Metalkitor etc...
Passionné dans les mondes des maquettes en tous genres à l’échelle : 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/18, 1/ 24, 1/ 32, et plus.
Retrouvez-moi sur ma chaîne YouTube.
Cordialement Fabrice

On my channel I take a deep dive into building scale model cars of all sorts. Specializing in 1/24th and 1/25th scale kits. Mostly plastic, and also some resin models.
The models are built to unique specifications and modified to extremes sometimes.
Every now and again I also take on some 1/43rd scale models to be fully rebuilt and repainted to custom specifications.
Most recently, I have also dipped my toes into the Big Scales, 1/8th to be specific. These are built to the unique accurate specifications they where released in, with some custom touches here and there.
Peugeot 205

Pamatujete si, jak kouzelně vypadaly všechny ty filmové vychytávky nebo auta z plakátů, které vás okouzlily jako děti? Můj kanál je pro všechny, kteří mají pořád v sobě to dětské nadšení pro úžasné věci. Tak si pojďme postavit pár svých snů.
Remember how magic looks to you – all the movie props or poster cars you were enchanted by when you were kids. Well, my channel is for those who are a still nerd inside a little. Let’s build some dreams.

Salut à tous les amis ! Moi c’est Chris. Bienvenus sur ma chaîne. Passionné de modélisme, je vous partage mes montages en vidéo sur ma chaîne YouTube depuis janvier 2020. Vous pouvez également me retrouver sur le forum ainsi que sur Facebook, Instagram et TikTok. Donc si vous avez besoin d’aide pour assembler votre maquette, n’hésitez pas. À bientôt. Chris
Megazord Altaya
Yamaha YZR-M1 de Valentino Rossi ALTAYA

Bienvenue sur la chaîne et bienvenue dans mon monde. Je me nomme Hillmick et je monte avec vous, chaque semaine sous forme de vidéos et de live, une ou plusieurs maquettes ou encore des modèles en vente en presse ainsi que par abonnement. Sur ma chaîne vous trouverez de l’aide et des astuces. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas, la communauté des "loulou" et moi-même, se feront un plaisir d’y répondre ici même ou sur mes réseaux sociaux.

At the Makers Cave, founded by Steve and Katrina, we build everything ranging from various DIY/Maker projects including electronics, woodworking, metal work, holiday prop building to models. We especially enjoy large scale modelling that captures all the details and magic of the build. We’ve been Makers our entire lives and we constantly add new skills as our DIY/Making journey continues.

お手軽なディテールアップなど 工作の初心者向け動画をアップしております。

カーモデルをメインにプラモデル, ダイキャストモデルなどの制作動画を投稿しています。視聴者さんのプラモデル制作ライフの楽しさが少しでも上がればと思います。