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Welcome to my Channel. Welcome to my World. The World of Wayne. Come and join me as I build many scale models from great publishers like DeAgostini, Fanhome and Hachette Partworks. From a working DeLorean to the iconic R2-D2 and C-3PO. There is something for everyone here.

Our mission is to provide affordable fixes\ upgrades\ mods to the partwork build community.
We’ve found that some partwork builds need that little extra; a printed part, a decal, sound… a prop maybe… all of which help your final goal of having a screen-accurate\ authentic partwork build.

Model Modz offers modifications for models of all types including those you see on our shop, we can tailor products to your individual needs. Everything you see in the shop is unique and personal, and if there is something you need, and we don’t have it, I’m sure we can help you.
We are currently building the Terminator, DeLorean, Ecto1, Knightrider KITT, Iron Man, USS Enterprise, Willys Jeep, Routemaster, Eleanor, and many more.
Somos un Club de Coleccionistas, informamos sobre novedades de coleccionables de editorial y autos a escala.
Subimos reviews de libros,autos a escala 1/43 1/48 y 1/64. Además de realizamos tutoriales sobre armados de varios modelos a escala 1/8. Subimos contenido de: Salvat, Planeta Deagostini, Hot Wheels y Wizkids.

Scale Model Building, Reviews, Tools, Books and Kits. *** Scale Model Kit Review, the popular scale modeling channel dedicated to bringing you scale model kit reviews, plastic kits, resin kits, photo-etch details, book reviews, decals and historical videos.
I live in the United States and I’ve been building and collecting scale models for over 45 years, you can find some of my model builds on & here on this channel. I’m a member of IPMS USA. Our current sponsor is MMP Books, Eaglemoss, and Agora Models. Most of the model kit reviews are funded by me.

ModelChili Scale Models builds scale models of all shapes and sizes, with a main focus on science fiction and military models, based in Christchurch, New Zealand.

I run a family of large-scale partwork build up sites, including products from Agora, Eaglemoss, DeAgostini, and Hachette. These were created to share my experiences building these models. My parent site can be found at

Bonjour à tous, je m’appelle Fabrice.
On me connaît sur Facebook (Fab Groupe) car j'ai été l'un des premiers à créer des groupes pour aider le maximum de personnes. Cela fait plusieurs années que je me passionne pour les maquettes.
J’aime l’idée de pouvoir aider les autres modélistes dans l’avancement de leur maquette et trouver des astuces pour les améliorer si besoin grace mon groupe Fab Groupe Modélisme.
Rejoignez-moi sur les groupes d’aide pour construire de nombreux modèles réduits de grands éditeurs tels que
Agora Models, DeAgostini, Altaya, Hachette, Alteys, Metalkitor etc...
Passionné dans les mondes des maquettes en tous genres à l’échelle : 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/18, 1/ 24, 1/ 32, et plus.
Retrouvez-moi sur ma chaîne YouTube.
Cordialement Fabrice

Pamatujete si, jak kouzelně vypadaly všechny ty filmové vychytávky nebo auta z plakátů, které vás okouzlily jako děti? Můj kanál je pro všechny, kteří mají pořád v sobě to dětské nadšení pro úžasné věci. Tak si pojďme postavit pár svých snů.
Remember how magic looks to you – all the movie props or poster cars you were enchanted by when you were kids. Well, my channel is for those who are a still nerd inside a little. Let’s build some dreams.

At the Makers Cave, founded by Steve and Katrina, we build everything ranging from various DIY/Maker projects including electronics, woodworking, metal work, holiday prop building to models. We especially enjoy large scale modelling that captures all the details and magic of the build. We’ve been Makers our entire lives and we constantly add new skills as our DIY/Making journey continues.